As we are all aware, Program and Project Management is a stressfull profession. We are continually juggling many balls simultaneously on each project. Many PMs are managing multiple projects at the same time with different teams and in the consulting world many different customers. We are under pressure to not only meet deadlines but within a defined budget. We frequently spent our nights up thining about how to address the myriad of issues we face. This work environment can be debilitating. How can we mitigate the personal health risk associated with our profession? How can we stay sharp and introspective during the long days and hours?
It can be very difficult at times to find the time but our personal health, fitness, and diet can play a big part in our capability to perform under the dire circumstances we routinely find ourselves. To perform under these circumstances, we need a level of fitness and endurance not attainable without a fitness program and reasonable diet. It would be imprudent for me to suggest any particular type of either a fitness program or diet as there are so many and each is a very personal choice. What I will go so far to say is PMs should be pay attention to their diet and attempt to eat healthy. Exercise routines should include both aerobic and strength training to keep our minds sharp during the long hours.
As we get older and even into our 30's or 40's, our bodies are no longer able to endure the longer hours and stress. The fitness levels we built as children and teenagers through normal outdoor activities occur less often as we spend more time at a desk. In order to maintain our capabilities, we should find time during the day or week to maintain our fitness at the level required by our profession.